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Laguna Bacalar

The Bacalar lagoon, an unforgettable tourist experience

If you like travel and you are fascinated by the Mexican territory due to the tourist surprises that it always offers, then you have an essential appointment to meet with the Magical Town of Bacalar. This site hosts one of…


El Aserradero Municipal Spa

El Aserradero Municipal Spa in Bacalar is spacious and a suitable space for swimming. But in addition, in this recreational center of the Mexican Caribbean you can also enjoy camping and other ecotourism activities. In this spa of Bacalar, visitors…

Cenote Cocalitos

Cenote Cocalitos Bacalar

The Cenote Cocalitos, in the Magical Town of Bacalar, is also known as the Sanctuary of the Stromatolites. It is called that way because of the many stratified type structures that are concentrated there. Cocalitos is emerging as a unique…

Zona Arqueológica De Chacchoben

Archaeological zone of Chacchoben

To speak of Chacchoben is to speak of the largest settlement of the ancient Mayans that arose in the south of Quintana Roo. It was made up of small-sized villages that had their period of greatest development around the year…

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